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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Medical Kidapping: Time to Go Back To Homebirths

On any given day in this nation you can go online and read about newborns being medically kidnapped from hospitals for reasons spanning from parents choosing not to vaccinate to the hospital claiming the mother tested positive for drugs...when it was, in fact, the drugs the hospital administered to the mother. More than ever, babies are being snatched up and families ripped apart by hospitals; taking away the very imperative bonding time for mother and baby as well as establishment of immunity via breastfeeding.

However, this horrific trend doesn't stop with newborns. Infants, toddlers, adolescents and even adults are being ripped from their homes for insane reasons like parents questioning a diagnosis, asking for a second opinion or even an when doctors don't agree with OTHER doctors diagnosis!
(Research Justina Pelletier)

Some babies are taken for "abuse" and it isn't until months sometimes years later a diagnosis of leukemia or brittle bone disease is found. Shouldn't the hospitals be looking for medical causes to rule out abuse before tearing a family apart? Of course they should but God forbid the do their jobs correctly.

Many children are abused and even dying in foster "care." One thing is for certain, the numbers of medical kidnappings is rising and it doesn't look like they'll be going down any time soon. That means every child born in a hospital is at risk for kidnapping, torture and death.

Pharmaceutical testing is rampant on foster children. Many medically kidnapped children have undergone experimental and sometimes excruciating medical procedures.

But there is a solution to lessen newborn kidnappings.... homebirth.  Of course, this notion will terrify most women, but it actually is a fantastic option for low risk births.

Most women have no idea hospital births are longer because of interventions, being cast to a bed on their backs and lack of food. Most women are never taught relaxation methods that can slash their pain levels. Most are never taught that interventions like pitocin cause their contractions to be 10 times stronger than natural contractions, which usually leads to IV drugs and/or epidurals. They're not taught epidurals and laying on their backs can stall labor for hours and cause doctors to push dangerous C-sections. They're not in instructed walking and changing positions bring the baby down. Most women have no idea being checked for dilation and catheter usage cause infection. Instead of being checked for dilation they should be trained in the stages of labor.

Women in hospitals are chastised if they want to eat. Eating is essential. Food = energy. Labor requires energy. But once food is not allowed chances of intervention be it vacuum, forceps or C-sections goes up.
They're not taught having a doula can shorten their labor by about an hour.  A Cochrane review of 15000 births using doula support and traditional care showed:

"women who received continuous support were more likely to have spontaneous vaginal births and less likely to have any pain medication, epidurals, negative feelings about childbirth, vacuum or forceps-assisted births, and C-sections. In addition, their labors were shorter by about 40 minutes and their babies were less likely to have low Apgar scores at birth."

Studies have also shown lower C-section rates in places where midwives have independent practices

I believe it is now imperative that as many women AND men should become midwives and doulas. Not only can this help bring down unnecessary, dangerous C-sections, but it will also stop a huge percentage of unnecessary, damaging medical kidnappings.

The fight to maintain the family unit is stronger than ever. The family unit is being attacked on many fronts. It is not a "conspiracy theory" it is an agenda. From hospitals to schools the government now claiming they want to become "equal partners" in child raising and start home checks. It is more important than ever before to fight for your family; for your parental rights. The future and safety of your children depends on it and it starts in pregnancy.

Another benefit of midwives is the prenatal care. Instead of a hospital setting where the doctors spend 15 minutes at best with the mother, a midwife will typically spend an hour per appointment. Doctors will hardly get to know a mother but then feel they can decide the fate of the child. Midwives typically get to know the whole family. As do doulas. They actually care as opposed to a hospital that sees putting a woman in a cold room often waiting up to an hour for the doctor and not knowing anything about her or her family as "care."

It's time to step up and take our health into our hands. For the most part birth is not an emergency yet its treated as such causing undo anxiety which is an impairment on the birthing process. Relaxation and calm, stress free environments are key.

Here are just a few medical kidnapping cases. Please read them and know what you'll be up against if you choose hospital birth. And please don't hold the "it can't happen to me" attitude. These parents didn't think it could happen to them either.

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