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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Can you please stop begging for a new master? VOTING IS A SHAM

Here we are again. It's election time. A time when I watch Americans fight over which elitist lunatic they want as their new master. Watching this is like watching a woman with low self esteem try to keep pleasing a man who laughs at her, calls her names, cheats on her, beats on her, steals her money and controls every aspect of her life. She acts as if he walks on water all while he's killing her slowly.

Every election year makes me cringe. I know without a doubt some fool is going to say "If you don't vote you have no right to complain!" They say it over and over again like a broken record. They continuously spew this rhetoric and it is quite vomit inducing. I call it the Election Year Diet Plan. Hang out with these people and you're guaranteed to lose weight by all the vomit they'll help you produce.
These people will actually chastise you for wanting to break the chains of your slavery.
It is them who have no right to complain. They continuously support the elites who work diligently to strip us of our freedoms and liberties, steal our money and call it a "tax" and kill Americans and other people of the world non-stop. The vicious cycle never ends. Thus is why you'll not see me pushing any candidates. Newsflash: The lesser of two evils is still evil!

You can try to explain to voters that voting is a sham and you don't really have a choice on who becomes president but they won't hear it. It's like talking to a child having a tantrum with their fingers in their ears. You try to explain that it's not really a choice when the elite tells you who you can choose. It's not really a choice when everyone they present to you share the same bloodlines. It's not really a choice when it's the same people over and over again.

 Every election year I pray people wake up and realize they're being scammed but, it's all for naught. They don't. Instead they throw their hard earned fiat money at these rich bastards who act as if they need it to campaign. Just another scam to steal from the people. Crying poor like Kanye and the fools fall for it again and again and again. What's the definition of insanity?
 Voting is the a-typical divide and conquer tactic. George Washington warned us in his farewell address about the parties:

It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration….agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one….against another….it opens the door to foreign influence and corruption…thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.” (read full text here )
Voters really think things will change and that these politicians love and care about them. All the while making backdoor deals against Americans.  Heard of the Trans Pacific Partnership? No? Well after reading this you should go research and see what you're in for.
What's ridiculous is how Americans will disregard wrongdoings just because someone has a D or an R next to their names. It's absolutely disgusting. Always making excuses for them. Never demanding accountability. Always pointing fingers. Americans think these politicians hate each other. HA! Couldn't be further from the truth. These slimy bastards are best buds.

 I wish this year, instead of wasting precious time and money to support these lunatics, people would wake the hell up and start working to save themselves, their families, fellow Americans and fellow man from all over the world. They'd stop falling for the divide and conquer bullshit, come together and break the chains of slavery. Ya, ya. I know.  I know. Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets full faster.



  1. I'm right with you. Great post. Hope you doing well, TPP.

  2. By the way, it's KafkaWinstonWorld. Have to get rid of that name - InsidousSisyphus was a blog I started years ago, but never posted anything on it. Didn't even remember it until I saw it pop up under your blog.

  3. Hi :)
    Hope you're doing well
    Thanks for the video and kind words. I really appreciate it

    1. Hi : )
      I truly hope that you are doing well !
      Well G- is history & I haven' been able to access my old e mail so I don't know of any other way to contact you so here I am stopping by just to say HEY & to let you know you are not forgotten .
      I absolutely appreciate you & all of your efforts in everything you've done with trying to affect some change for the positive in this world .
      I also miss all of your most excellent well placed vulgarities vulgarities !
      Hope you & the family are doing great & life just keeps getting better for y'all !
      PEACE GIRL ( ;

  4. Truth spoken. We Americans either seem to be too lazy, or too ignorant to learn and understand the truth abouth voting for a president in this country.

  5. Truth spoken. We Americans either seem to be too lazy, or too ignorant to learn and understand the truth abouth voting for a president in this country.
